16 research outputs found

    Demand Based Cost Optimization of Electric Bills for Household Users

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    Abstract- Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly becoming the vehicle to automate, optimize and enhance the performance of systems in the energy, environment, and health sectors. In this paper, we use Wi-Fi wrapped sensors to provide online and in realtime the current energy consumptions at a device level, in a manner to allow for automatic control of peak energy consumption at a household, factory level, and eventually at a region level, where a region can be defined as an area supported by a distinct energy source. This allows to decrease the bill by avoiding heavily and controllable loads during high tariff slice and/or peak period per household and to optimize the energy production and distribution in a given region. The proposed model relies on adaptive learning techniques to help adjust the current load, while taking into consideration the actual and real need of the consumer. The experiments used in this study makes use of current and voltage sensors, Arduino platform, and simulation system. The main performance indexes used are the control of a peak consumption level, and the minimum time needed to adjust the distribution of load in the system. The system was able to keep the maximum load at a maximum of 10 kW in less than 10 seconds of response time. The level and response time are controllable parameters

    Application of Artificial Neural Network-Based Tool for Short Circuit Currents Estimation in Power Systems With High Penetration of Power Electronics-Based Renewables

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    The increasing integration of Power Electronics (PE)-based renewable energy sources into the electric power system has significantly affected the traditional levels and characteristics of fault currents compared to the ones observed in power systems dominated by synchronous generating units. The secure operation of a renewable rich power system requires the proper estimation of fault currents with wide range of scenarios of the high share of renewables. Although the utilization of detailed and complex time-domain dynamic simulations allows for calculating the fault currents, the resulting modeling complexity and computational burden might not be adequate from the operational perspective. Thus, it is necessary to develop alternative quicker data-driven fault current estimation approaches to support the system operator. For this purpose, this paper utilizes an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based tool to estimate the characteristics of short circuit currents in power systems with high penetration of power electronics-based renewables. The short circuits against different penetration of renewables are produced offline using the DIgSILENT PowerFactory considering the control requirements for renewables (e.g., fault ride through requirement). The resulting dataset is utilized to train the ANN to provide the mapping between the penetration level and the characteristics of the short circuit currents. The application of the approach using the modified IEEE 9-bus test system demonstrates its effectiveness to estimate the components of short circuit currents (sub-transient current, transient current, and peak current) with high accuracy based only on the penetration of power electronics-based renewables.©2023 Authors. Published by IEEE. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Transactive energy system for distribution network management: procuring residential flexibility services under dynamic pricing

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    The formulation of dynamic pricing is one of the emerging solutions to guide residential demand for the benefits of the bulk power system. However, the schedule of residential demand in response to time-differentiated energy prices could cause congestions in distribution networks at both the lowest-price and highest-price time intervals. To enable the adoption of dynamic pricing, this work presents a novel framework to manage the constraints of distribution networks based on the concept of Transactive Energy System (TES). The TES-based framework produces incentives during network issues to unlock customers’ flexibility services to reschedule controllable assets (e.g., batteries). By running Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS), the flexibility of customers to modify schedules are quantified against predefined set of incentives. For each incentive, the amounts of net-demand change per customer are aggregated and submitted through aggregators to the Distribution System Operator (DSO) in the forms of both generation offers (reducing demand) and demand offers (increasing demand). The latter are crucial to cater for generation-driven network issues. The resulting aggregators’ staircase bidding curves are embedded to an advanced Optimal Power Flow (OPF) model to identify the successful offers to manage network constraints whilst minimizing incentives paid to aggregators. This allows defining incentives and quantities directly without extensive iterations between DSO and aggregators. The application of the framework to an urban 11kV feeder shows its effectiveness to manage congestions. Further, the highly variations in dynamic prices increase the amounts of incentives particularly when flexibility services are requested at evening and night time intervals

    Residential community with PV and batteries: reserve provision under grid constraints

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    Technological advances in residential-scale batteries are paving the way towards self-sufficient communities to make the most use of their photovoltaic systems to support local energy consumption needs. To effectively utilize capabilities of batteries, the community can participate in the provision of short term operating reserve (STOR) services. To do so, adequate energy reserves in batteries are maintained during prescribed time windows to be utilized by electricity system operators. However, this may reduce energy sufficiency of the community. Further, the actual delivery of reserve could create distribution network congestions. To adequately understand the capability of a community to provide reserve, this work proposed a residential community energy management system formulated as a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model. This model aims to maximize energy sufficiency by optimal scheduling of batteries whilst considering reserve constraints. The model also maintains the aggregate power of houses within export/import limits that are defined offline using an iterative approach to ensure that the reserve provision does not breach distribution network constraints. The model is demonstrated on a residential community. The maximum committed reserve power with minimal impact on energy sufficiency is determined. Results also show that the capability of a community to provide reserve could be overestimated unless distribution network constraints are adequately considered

    Systematic review of demand-side management strategies in power systems of developed and developing countries

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    Balancing electricity demand and supply remains a significant challenge for the power systems in developing countries, such as Nigeria. In Nigeria, there is a shortage of adequate power supply, and demand-side management (DSM) plays a minor role in the power balancing mechanism with load shedding being widely used. The paper aims to review and compare various existing and emerging DSM strategies in developing countries. An extensive and systematic review was conducted to evaluate potential solutions using DSM to increase the overall energy efficiency in the Nigerian electricity market. This study found that, although the technical and economic potentials of DSM vary in developed countries, the uptakes of DSM have been severely hampered hence preventing the full exploitation and utilisation of the full potential of DSM. The initiatives of a DSM model in Nigeria and other developing countries can play a significant role in addressing demand and supply challenges but an upgrade of the energy infrastructures, a reform of the market structure and the provision of financial incentives are required to allow for wide implementations of DSM strategies in developing countries

    Planning, operation, and trading mechanisms of transactive energy systems in the context of carbon neutrality [Editorial]

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    In the context of carbon neutrality, the penetration ratio of renewable energy, flexible load, energy storage, and interactive equipment have been increasing, and the boundary between traditional energy producers and consumers has been getting more blurred. A new type of energy system, namely the transactive energy system (TES), has emerged. The TES uses the value (price) as a guide for market participants in optimizing decisions, realizing centralized/distributed coordination of large-scale energy systems, and developing these systems to improve energy efficiency, thus, reducing carbon emissions and improving the economy. However, the deep coupling between energy trading and physical energy flow complicates the planning, operation optimization, trading, and interaction of traditional energy systems. Based on the abovementioned background, this special issue, which focuses on the planning, operation, and trading mechanism of TES, has received considerable attention from the research community

    Impacts of COVID-19 on educational buildings energy consumption: case study of the university of Jordan

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    The global lockdowns adopted by many countries to combat the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant transformation in the teaching methods adopted in higher education institutions toward dependence on online learning systems. Although this pandemic has placed a technical and financial burden on academic institutions to facilitate the successful transition to online learning, it provides opportunities to understand the impacts of adopting new policies and strategies to improve the efficient utilization of resources and thus reduce operational costs. The detailed analyses of the changes in energy consumption can support assessing the potential savings in electricity bills with the wide-scale adoption of online learning methods in the future as a business as usual to improve and modernize the education systems. This paper provides a detailed analysis of the electrical energy consumption of the buildings within the campus of the University of Jordan. The diversity of building types on the campus (e.g., university hospital, humanities schools, scientific schools) supports the provision of more general and robust recommendations to extend the results to other institutions, particularly in developing countries. The Energy Use Intensity (EUI) per unit area and EUI per student are employed for the first time for benchmarking the energy usage in educational buildings in Jordan. Overall, the analyses show that the total electricity consumption in 2020 was significantly lower than in 2019, with a decrease of 20.8% from 27.7 GWh in 2019 to 21.9 GWh in 2020. It is also found that the most significant reduction occurred in the humanities buildings (i.e., a 39% drop in energy consumption). However, this volume of energy reduction is still relatively low, considering the absence of students. Furthermore, the hospital has an extremely high EUI value (161 kWh/m2/year) compared to the other categories (e.g., the EUI for humanities schools is 32.5 kWh//m2/year). To conclude, the electrical energy consumption data suggests that there may be significant opportunities for energy conservation in all building categories, especially in the hospital

    Advanced Network Management Systems: A Risk-Based AC OPF Approach

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